JS, Journal, 12 Jan. 1836.
JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836; for more on the various quorums and presidencies of the church, see “General Church Officers, October 1835–January 1838,” “Church Officers in the Kirtland Stake, October 1835–January 1838,” and “Church Officers in Zion (Missouri), October 1835–January 1838.”
JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
See JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
The Whitmers and William W. Phelps constituted the presidency of Missouri, or Zion. Some of the men in these various offices were unable to attend the meeting. Oliver Cowdery was one of those absent leaders; he did not return from Newark, Licking County, Ohio, until the following day. (JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836; Cowdery, Diary, 11–14 Jan. 1836.)
Cowdery, Oliver. Diary, Jan.–Mar. 1836. CHL. MS 3429. Also available as Leonard J. Arrington, “Oliver Cowdery’s Kirtland, Ohio, ‘Sketch Book,’” BYU Studies 12 (Summer 1972): 410–426.
Hyrum Smith was called as “assistant for the Bishop” in Kirtland on 10 February 1832. He was appointed an assistant president in the presidency of the high priesthood—and therefore in the presidency of the church—on 6 December 1834. (Hyrum Smith, Diary and Account Book, 10 Feb. 1832; Cahoon, Diary, 10 Feb. 1832; Account of Meetings, Revelation, and Blessing, 5–6 Dec. 1834; JS, Journal, 16 Jan. 1836.)
Smith, Hyrum. Diary and Account Book, Nov. 1831–Feb. 1835. Hyrum Smith, Papers, ca. 1832–1844. BYU.
Cahoon, Reynolds. Diaries, 1831–1832. CHL. MS 1115.
Knight was ordained to the office of elder on 2 January 1836. (Minutes, 2 Jan. 1836.)